During 2019, we have cooperated with many psychiatric wards in the country’s 5 Regions. There has been particular interest in our furniture, which is designed and manufactured for particularly challenged environments.
These have been interesting processes where all aspects have been discussed, including patient safety and comfort, but equally the safety and security of staff in psychiatry. We are pleased that the ongoing dialogue and knowledge sharing provide positive feedback from patients, relatives, clinical staff and technical operations.
The feedback we have received during the year, from the places where we have decorated, has been:
- Violent incidents are reduced
- Everyday life has become calmer for patients, staff and relatives alike
- Well-being has increased in the environment with the safe furniture.
- The furniture is easy to clean
- The furniture has lived up to the expectations
- The furniture is much more durable than previously used furniture
Arkisafe ApS completed the year 2019 by designing various sections in the South Region, where the focus is on creating homeliness, while preventing the possibility of violence and self-harm.
We have collected some pictures showing the process from the furniture arriving to the unpacked and installed in the environments inside and out. When we deliver, the process is as follows:
1. Furniture arrives and unloads in parking space
2. We unpack and move the furniture in
3. The furniture is set up in the desired environments, inside and out
For further information and knowledge about our furniture, please contact Cornelia Løvenskjold always ready to help at cornelia@arkisafe.dk,direct phone 26804848 or 44971188.