In connection with the introduction of a new dietary concept – called the free choice concept – in the hospitals in Region Zealand, a need for multiple service arose, in the form of plates and bowls in the wards, which withstand a lot of wear and microwave. The new concept allows patients to choose their own meals from a daily menu. The food is delivered and the patient must then understand the preparation himself. At Holbæk Hospital, where a pilot project was being run on the new dietary concept, the choice on Arkisafe fell on safe plates that not only meet the requirement for microwave use and wear, but are also safe in relation to breakage. It also makes the plates ideal for, among other things, psychiatry, where they can minimise the risk of violence and self-harm. The region’s goal is that the new dietary concept is fully implemented in all hospitals during 2019. Arkisafe has a full range of multi-use services, such as plates, bowls, mugs, cups, glass and cutlery, all of which are special products designed and manufactured for use in tough environments and in environments with a necessary focus on safety. You can read more about all Arkisafe produkter her or contact us on 44 97 11 88.