Welcome to Cornelia Løvenskjold, new Key Account Manager at Arkisafe

As of October 1, 2017, Cornelia Løvenskjold is employed as Key Account Manager at Arkisafe. Cornelia aims to strengthen sales and marketing efforts and follow up on the great interest that we have experienced since our launch on the Danish market just over a year ago.

Cornelia will also be in charge of launching the new products, which are continuously added to the range of suicidal and self-harm-resistant solutions. All products are specially designed to be part of the interior design and everyday life in, among other things. The Probation Service, Psychiatry and Places of Residence, where designs with insight, knowledge and commitment can contribute to a better and more normalized everyday life.

Cornelia has worked for many years in brand sales and marketing and has worked for several years in home textiles, interior design, hardware and later at advertising agencies. In recent years Cornelia has worked as a schoolteacher, but has now wanted to come back and work in sales and marketing again.

Cornelia can be contacted at the email address cornelia@arkisafe.dk and phone 26 80 48 48

We hope you will warmly welcome Cornelia.