At Arkisafe, we are proud to present a proprietary universal bracket, which is mounted in the door frame above the door hinge and reduces ligature points and thereby suicidal possibilities in door hinges.
The bracket has been developed following many requests from our customers within, among other things. psychiatry and prisons. The task was to develop a simple, efficient and affordable solution, so that in existing buildings, you can easily, quickly and cheaply suicidalforebuild.
The alternative is usually the replacement of the sills and doors. A solution that is much more costly.
The bracket has been developed and designed by Arkisafe and is designed by the Pantent and Trademark Office.
The bracket can be used on the vast majority of doors and is fitted with safety screws.
Facts about the bracket:
Material: Metal
Height: 13 cm
Width: 5 cm
Thickness: 1.2 mm
Assembly: Mounted in the door frame above the door hinge with 2 special safety screws
Design registration: DK 2018 00019
Classes: Class 08 09: A bracket for the door