Sales supporter with experience and world-class overview is sought for small business with full speed and ambition. You will be part of a sales support team of 3 skilled and dedicated colleagues who support 5 salespeople and 5 fitters. The sales support team is the focal point of the two sister companies Arkitex & Arkisafe, which provide curtains & sun screen for private and public companies, as well as a range of specialty products and solutions for psychiatry and criminal justice. Your working day will be very varied. You will have daily contact with customers, suppliers, fitters and sellers.

Your primary tasks will be:

  • Calculation, quotes, and order confirmations
  • Customer contact via email and phone
  • Ordering goods from suppliers
  • Planning deliveries and installers
  • Project management of major projects
  • Participation in weekly planning meetings

You probably have experience with:

  • Calculation and grocery understanding
  • Experience from similar or production activities
  • Experienced user of C5, Navision or similar
  • Seasoned user of the Office package
  • Experience with project management and sales support
  • Contact with suppliers abroad (mainly English)
  • Contact with customers abroad (mainly Scandinavia)

You definitely thrive on:

  • Being in a busy environment
  • Having contact with customers
  • Being in a small and flexible business
  • Being self-starting and self-driving
  • To be part of a community where everyone works for and with each other

We are looking for a colleague who can and will be part of our team of talented, competent and targeted colleagues, where there is room for initiative, fun and trouble all the while together reaching the goals we set ourselves. We provide solutions for many types of companies and customers, including many solutions that are innovative, unique and that make a difference to our customers. We will therefore make every effort to find you that fits perfectly into our company. We offer a comprehensive salary and pension package that match your qualifications.

Arkitex Map:

Arkitex supplies curtains & sunscreen to private and public companies. We work purposefully to make a difference with our customers who have light, heat and indoor climate challenges. Our focus is on the right solutions that provide increased well-being and better working conditions. Our solutions must be economically sound, both as a first-time investment, but also very much in relation to the lifetime.

Arkisafe Map:

Arkisafe forhandler en række unikke selvmordsforebyggende produkter der alle har til formål at skabe øget trivsel, tryghed og normalisering for brugere og medarbejdere i bl.a. psykiatrien, arresthuse, bosteder og asylcentre. Vi har som vision, i tæt samarbejde med vores kunder, at udvikle og levere produkter og løsninger, som giver øget trivsel, tryghed og normalisering for brugere og medarbejdere. Størstedelen af produkterne er selvmordforebyggende og mindsker muligheder for selvskade og vold. Vi arbejder tæt sammen med førende leverandører, der understøtter ambitionen og drømmen om, at skabe en virksomhed, som kan levere komplette løsninger til udfordrende miljøer, hvor driftsøkonomi og funktionalitet er i fokus. Arkitex & Arkisafe live in cozy and modern settings in Nivå. You can see more about both companies at www.arkitex.dk & www.arkisafe.dk We look forward to receiving your short application with CV, which you send to team leader Charlotte Bangsø at charlotte@arkitex.dk.